Monday, March 30, 2015

This week on the web...

Lots of education reading this week...

Viral education from Teacher Tom was cool.

Finland moving away from 'subject based' education.

And they're dumping cursive writing in favour of keyboard skills. Great idea!!

I thought this was interesting and some good ideas for lunches too.

2015 is a PISA testing year it will be interesting to see how the results have changed. Here's a comparison from 2012.

Just randomly... I was kind of surprised to see what New Zealand's most popular beer was!

A kind of depressing Sugar Story, which makes you wonder. 

Diet and Violence... to be honest what surprises me is that no one discovered it sooner.... diet affects behaviour... gee really?

And diet and school work.

Microwave popcorn not cool.

Must learn to crochet and knit.... (images are linked)

Bacon and Eggs... I love that they did this!

I really like adult Wednesday Adams too.... There are two series with 6 and 7 episodes in each- they are all short so easy to watch and very funny...

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