Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tiny Tales from Week 21

I feel like I have been living in a laundry after 7 months of summer abruptly ended with a big fat holy wet and cold winter (the worst we've had in the last three years) we have had three racks of washing in our living room most days. It hasn't helped at all that Will has had school swimming over this time and so I was pretty much washing every school day.

I don't usually let Tama anywhere near the computer (ipod, ipad, wii or playstation) but just for a change I let 'do letter and numbers' this day. He totally loved it!

On this day he told me he wasn't very well... so when he went to sleep I let him. He woke after 3+ hours around 6:30- happy as larry, not a sign of sickness and then proceeded to stay awake until after 11pm!


Eatings in my cheese.

Skip Bin delivery... it came full which was kind of cool because we got to see them empty it.

Tama and Kieran played hide and seek. Tama stood in the pantry and assured me that Kieran wasn't in the Pantry... um.

These two are very cool together. Tama thinks he's the most awesome big brother and will seriously miss Kieran when he heads off to university in 2016.

I'm trying to find a suitable spot to take Tama's 11:31 photos but everywhere in the house that is lightish has a very busy background and everywhere that's not too busy is too dark.

On the weekend we filled the skip between showers and hockey and such. It was so good to get it done. We can get up to 3 skips each year in our shire (they replace the inorganic and organic collections they previously did). You can choose green for green waste or red for general waste. We get an added extra green one heading into the fire season at the end of the year because the land our house is on is so big. I don't think we'll use all four anyway but it's a cool option because you can basically choose when you get it- and burning the branches and leaves was such a hassle.

Annaliese came over and stayed the night when she subbed in for Merenia's netball team.

We finally had a day decent enough to play in the sandpit!!

Merenia practised camera avoidance poorly.

All the rain has made lots of green appear where there was previously only dirt, sand and stones.

I'm looking forward to seeing the hidden gems in the garden.

This is seriously stunning to me the area was full sand when we came and checked out this place for the first time in November last year and stayed that way till May... and now it's just amazing!

All full up and waiting for collection.

Noah and Bel came over to visit- which was very cool.

We got super cool mail from Lisa, Wendy and Vienna.

Pam got her dates confused and came over with a 'late' birthday present for Tama- which was actually almost a month early. :-)

She then declared that she's wants to be the boy's Perth based Nana- we think that's pretty damn cool!

Tama and I were very please to see the truck come and empty our bin!

One day....

there was this puddle at school.....

and well....

we couldn't resist.

Tama getting his outer nerd on. :-)

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